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Miniature DC motor

Added March 9, 2022
Advert ID: 4542

FAULHABER offers the largest consolidated portfolio of miniature and micro drive technologies available in the world today.

DC Motors , Brushless DC-Motors , Linear DC-Servomotors , Stepper Motors , Piezo motors , Precision Gearheads .


2342S024CR , 2224U012SR , 2342S024CR + 22/7,1526:1 , 1219E015G + 12/3, 6023:1 , 2342S024C , 3863H048CR , 3557 K 012 C HEDS 5540 A14 + 38/2S, 43:1 , 2444S048B , 2232 S 024 BSL , 2642W024CXR + 30/1, 415:1 ,

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